I think I am learning that the first year that one owns a new property should not be the year to decide where everything goes or exactly what the logistics should be for the property's layout. The more I think about where I would like to put things, or how I would like to change things, the more I realize that there are so many options and possibilities. Just as when I first surveyed the place and thought that I would never be able to get my trailers in the drive, let alone have room to maneuver them (I have plenty of room!), I am having a hard time envisioning my barn fitting in the back. When I realize that 36 feet is the same length as three of my portable horse panels, there is plenty of room. I thought that the front which used to be a lawn would be a good place for a round pen and more sage. Now I think a spot of grass under the tree might not be all bad. Or, I could leave all of it grass except where the round pen goes so the horses can have a few minutes of graze time now and then. Surely someone out there knows how to get my sprinkler system up and running again and it would serve dual purpose keeping the dust down and keeping the grazing grass green.