I spotted a wasp in the front window as I was checking to see if the mail came yet. No, he wasn't on the outside, he was on the inside. It must be the heat, but he didn't fly off even though I was very close before I noticed him. Too close. I am terrified of flying stinging objects. I'm not allergic, the sting just hurts.
I have no problem catching spiders and releasing them outside. I do stay away from black widows though. They have never bitten me that I am aware of. But, bees and wasps are different. They're fast and I've seen them come after me with intent. I once had a bee chase me down the shore at a lake. I remember one of my cousins (perhaps) from Ohio having to be whisked off to the hospital because he had stepped in a nest or hive of some sort, hornets maybe, that was on the ground! When out riding horses as a teen, I had a bee fly down the front of my shirt and sting me twice. Maybe it was two bees, all I know is that I had two welts that burned for hours. To this day my instinct is to grasp the front of my shirt collar and pull it tightly closed whenever I see or hear flying stinging objects.
So, how Zen have I become that today, after spotting this wasp lazily strolling along the window, I found a wide mouthed jar in the kitchen, a stiff piece of paper from the junk mail pile, gently trapped him against the window, slid the paper over the opening and carried him outside to be released?
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One time many years ago, I was riding on bicycles with my good friend Greg Houseknecht along Route 33. I happened to be in the lead at the time when a bee flew down the front of my open shirt.
I remember crashing in slow motion because I had let go of the handlebars and was grabbing and swatting and pulling at the front of my shirt to get that damn bee out.
While I was lying in the roadside tangled up with the bike I looked back at the traffic approaching and my friend Greg gave me the single most useless piece of advice I have ever heard, even to this day:
"Phil! Look out for that truck!"
That's funny!
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