Well, as usual the universe is guiding me. Perhaps it is merely a hormonal influence that prompts me into action after months of procrastination. Maybe it is the change in the weather to more spring like conditions. I doubt it. When I begin to do things that are right for me at the right moment, I function on a sort of auto pilot. I am not trance like, I just go through the necessary steps without extraneous motion or better said, emotion. I don't stress over stress, I don't feel overwhelmed, I don't even think about procrastinating, and at the other spectrum, I don't feel giddy or excited or anything really. I just DO, and it is effortless, like auto pilot.
Such is the case so far in my quest for a home of my own after 30 years without. On an impulse I drove by a house that I had seen listed in a neighborhood that I would like. It doesn't really look like "the one" but that triggered a call to my old realtor. He is no longer doing real estate, I think he was too honest and nice, but his big brother is still in the business. Unintentionally, he became my realtor. Is he good? Will I like him as well as I liked his brother? Who knows, but I bet he is the right one for me because the way I see it, I didn't choose him, he was choosen for me.
Back in November, I called a mortgage broker I had worked with two (or was it three?), years ago when I first tried to search for a house. She sent me the loan application via email. The attachment sat in my inbox until just yesterday. Today it is complete and we will meet this Friday afternoon. I felt none of the sense of dread at what I had been percieving as a daunting task as I filled out the application and copied all of the necessary documentation. Again, it was effortless.
So now all of the events have been set in motion for the house hunt. I didn't think that I wanted to start yet. Consciously I was looking at perhaps April ,but apparently the time is right now.
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